Observer Corps

After learning about LWVMI Observer Corps, Detroit League members (Cheryl Bukoff, Roberta Deering, and Charlene McNary) formed a committee to formalize Observer Corps protocol for LWV Detroit.  

The committee used LWVMI guidelines to design an Observer Corps concentration on LWV Detroit priorities that emphasize voter participation and voting rights, thus initiating a program focused on two agencies, the Wayne County Election Commission (WCEC) and the County Canvassing Board (CCB).

The committee is gathering information regarding the Election Commission and Canvassing Board jurisdictions, governing rules, responsibilities, and meeting schedules with the following Observer Corps goals:

  • Observe WCEC and CCB public meetings to understand general operations and how meetings are conducted as well as whether the agencies comply with open meeting laws.
  • Record all issues discussed highlighting those related to the Detroit League communities of Detroit, Hamtramck, and Highland Park.

Ultimately, LWV Detroit will use Observer Corps reports to design and develop educational, advocacy, and/or outreach efforts.

However, before observations commence, the committee is actively recruiting Observer Corp members. The committee is also reaching out to other local leagues to gauge their interest in a partnership and/or collaboration.

If you are interested in helping with the LWV Detroit Observer Corps effort, contact the League at or 313-288-9590.

FMI ⏤ see the LWVU Education Fund pamphlet, Observing Your Government in Action: Protecting Your Right to Know.