June Recap

The Supreme Court Denies Our Right to Bodily Autonomy

On June 24, the Supreme Court of the US (SCOTUS) ruled 6-3 to overturn the constitutional right to abortion

Their decision foreshadowed the erosion of other well-established rights, including access to abortion, marriage equality, and the ability to engage in private, intimate conduct. 

“When women and those who can become pregnant can no longer make reproductive decisions for their own bodies, they are no longer equal individuals in our democracy,” the League’s board director Dr. Deborah Ann Turner and CEO Virginia Kase Solomón said in a joint statement. “This harm will exacerbate societal inequalities and fall disproportionately on people of color and low-income communities.”

The League stands in power with our reproductive partners, many of whom are already planning to take action.

A Mixed Response to Gun Violence

Following another wave of deadly gun violence, the Senate introduced bipartisan legislation to reduce gun violence. 

Among other protections, the bill enhances background checks for people seeking a firearm under the age of 21, increases penalties for firearm straw purchasing and trafficking, and expands the prohibition of people convicted of domestic violence from obtaining firearms. After swift passage in the House and Senate, President Biden signed the legislation into law.

Simultaneously, a SCOTUS ruling weakened gun safety laws around the country. In a 6-3 decision, SCOTUS determined that a New York law restricting individuals from carrying guns in public places was unconstitutional. 

The Leagues of the US, New York, and Florida had filed an amicus brief in this case in defense of the New York law.

League Members Convene in Denver, CO

The League hosted its biennial convention from June 23-26. 

1000+ delegates from all 50 states and DC joined either virtually or in person to attend a panel featuring female leaders in the voting rights movement, march in support of abortion justice at the Denver Capitol building, elect a 2022-2024 Board of Directors, and share our goals for the next two years. 

Watch highlights.