LWV Detroit Holiday Gathering

Please join the Detroit League for an informal gathering at the Wayne County Lightfest on Saturday, December 17, from 7-7:30pm.

Although the Lightfest runs from 6 to 10pm (November 17 through December 24), a small group of “leaguers” will gather along the four-mile stretch of lights on Saturday, December 17, from 7–7:30 pm.

The Lightfest has 50 animated-themed displays and more than 100,000 lights to guide you. Tickets to enter are $5.00 per car. We will meet mid-way through the display in the parking lot at Perrin Park, which you won’t be able to miss since it currently houses several food trucks, Santa’s mailbox, and restrooms. 

No need to purchase hot chocolate and cookies, the League will provide them.  Look for a car with the League sign in the window, flash your lights, or come over to the car with the League logo; we’ll be happy to serve you refreshments!  

Hope to see you there. Family, friends, and neighbors are all welcome. It’s Covid careful and fun way to share some holiday cheer.  

For more information on the Lightfest, click HERE.