From National Week of Conversation⎮April 15 to 21, 2024:
National Week of Conversation was created for those exhausted by the division and hatred in our country. For those seeking ways to turn down the heat of polarization, it is a week to become inspired, equipped, and engaged in activities that build bridges across differences.
Through the Signature Experiences and other events our partners offer during National Week of Conversation, we invite all Americans to bring their passions and differences to the table so we can find a way forward together.
Problem: We are breaking apart.
The way we demonize each other because of our different beliefs—what we call “toxic polarization”—is a huge threat to our families, communities, and country. It’s increasingly hitting close to home, causing breakdowns from the dinner table to family vacations, from the workplace to worship services. We must reverse this trend!
Solution: A large-scale opportunity to #DisagreeBetter and build connections.
Experts around the globe endorse guided, face-to-face conversation across differences as one of the most powerful tools available to remove biases, stereotypes, and misperceptions before they have the opportunity to rip societies apart. By engaging 1:1 and in small groups, we remind ourselves that the “other” is—just like us—a person with family, friends, hopes, fears, values, and worth. National Week of Conversation provides Americans a simple, powerful, and proven opportunity to gain this fresh and healing perspective—directly or vicariously.
Bridging across differences is not about changing our opinions on issues but rather changing the perspective of those who hold opinions different from our own. Disagreement is healthy for our democracy, but we must find ways to #DisagreeBetter.
We are incredibly thankful to our hosting and promotional partners who came together to help make this event possible. With over 100 events happening over the 7 days, National Week of Conversation 2023 was a huge success!