The Nominating Committee (Deborah Bunkley, Valerie Ash, and Gerry Barrons) presented a new slate at the LWVD Annual Meeting on June 18, 2022. Following approval, the membership voted to elect new officers and directors for 2022-2024.
This year the League has a new president, Rebeka Islam, who accepted this role knowing a superb team of seasoned leaders would support her. Rhonda Craig, the outgoing President, continues on the board as Secretary and ensures an orderly transition of power. Members praised Rhonda’s excellent leadership and gracious spirit. Her hard work and vigilance led the League through formative and challenging years.
The role of Voter Services Coordinator remains vacant until a member volunteers to accept the position, which we hope will be soon! If any member is interested in this role, please contact Gerry Barrons at
The following Officers and Directors were elected:
President ⏤ Rebeka Islam
Presides at all meetings; identifies policy or governance issues for discussion; speaks for the League orally or in writing; represents the Detroit League at state and national meetings.
Voter Services Coordinator ⏤ Current Vacancy
Develops a strategy for voter registration; coordinates voter education events such as candidate forums; distributes voter education materials.
Secretary ⏤ Rhonda Craig
Records and maintains the minutes of League meetings.
Director at Large ⏤ Anne Parker
Current Board Members serving 2021-2023:
Treasurer ⏤ Charlene McNary
Develops budget in coordination with leadership; maintains League funds; processes dues payments.
Membership Coordinator ⏤ Cheryl Bukoff
A cheerleader for the League, encouraging the leadership team and members to build League; develops plans to recruit new members.
Director-at-Large ⏤ Elois Moore
In League,
Gerry Barrons
Nominating Committee Member