Become more prepare to vote on Proposal P by reading the various articles listed below:
- Detroit Free Press – “What you need to know about Proposal P” ⏤
[Thursday, July 15 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.] Join the We the People MI Team, 482Forward, and Councilmember Raquel Castaneda-Lopez of Detroit District 6 for a live Q&A on Zoom regarding Proposal P. See the following links to a handout and Powerpoint presentation from this event:
- Half-page flyer (English, Spanish, Arabic)
- Slide deck (English)
Note: This presentation details what Proposal P seeks to accomplish through a revision to the Detroit Charter. There is no mention of the dissent and controversy surrounding the proposed changes.
- Paste this link into your browser to read the revised Detroit City Charter without the commentary, which tells you what the Charter Revision Commission was trying to do:
- Ballotpedia’s explanation of Proposal P⏤,Michigan,_Proposal_P,_Revised_City_Charter(August_2021)
- Watch Fox 2 News on What is Proposal P and what it will do to Detroit’s City Charter ⏤
- Citizens Research Council – History and issues for the Detroit City Charter Revision Commission from 2010
- Citizens Research Council on the Detroit City Charter – Where is it Now?
- The Governor’s response and office correspondence to the transmittal letter and proposed new Detroit City Charter, as well as a list of other major updates and associated documents.
- Michigan Legislature Home Rule Act – which describes state law that gives the State authority over city Charters
Meeting Announcement: Following is info about upcoming the City Charter Revision Committee meeting.
In accordance with the Open Meetings Act, the Detroit City Charter Commission will be conducting virtual meetings to permit the electronic attendance of its members and the public body during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Detroit City Charter Revision Committee of the Whole Meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 13, 2021 at 5:00 pm via Zoom. To attend, click here:
If for some reason, the link does not automatically open Zoom. Use the following instructions:
- Go to
- Enter the Meeting ID: 868 8383 3928
- Click or tap Join
- Follow the prompts on the screen to join the meeting
To dial in by telephone, call any one of the following one tap-mobile toll-free numbers:
+ 13017158592,,86883833928# US
+ 13126266799,,86883833928# US