Detroit League Urges Public Engagement in Redistricting

Detroit residents can submit comments and draw maps online.

LANSING – The League of Women Voters of Detroit is urging voters to get involved in the redistricting process by submitting written testimony and maps to the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission (MICRC) using the MICRC Public Comment Portal.

Anyone in Michigan can use the portal to submit written testimony and maps, draw maps or give feedback on other citizens’ maps to make their voices heard in the redistricting process. A YouTube video explains how to submit materials to MI Redistricting Public Comment Portal.

“For many years, redistricting was a political process that took place behind closed doors,” said Rhonda Craig, President of the Detroit League. “Citizens now have the power to draw the state’s new legislative and congressional districts, and it’s important for them to get involved in the process to make their voices and the voices of their community heard. Using the Public Comment Portal to submit written testimony and maps directly to the commission is the best way to do that.” You can provide your thoughts to the Commission by providing written testimony, by drawing your own districting plan (partial or whole), or by submitting a community of interest map.

Local Leagues across the state have undertaken a widespread effort to educate voters on redistricting and to ensure the MICRC is doing what voters have asked: allow residents to draw district lines instead of legislators or special interests. The Commission is hosting public hearings across the state until July 1 where residents can learn more and can comment on how they want the MICRC to draw district lines.

Michigan voters overwhelmingly amended the state constitution to create an Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission, and now the MICRC is ready to hear from you to help ensure fair representative districts. Use this portal to submit public comments to the Commission, and tell them what’s important to know as they draw the new district lines!

For more information on the Michigan Independent Citizen Redistricting Commission (MICRC), click here.