Welcome new members! You are invited to attend our virtual orientation on Saturday, July 25, at 10:30 am (ending no later than 12:00noon). Orientation will provide an opportunity to meet our Board, hear about the mission of the League and our related activities: voter registration, voter education, and improving voter engagement. We will also share info on upcoming volunteer opportunities. Most importantly, we want to hear from you as to how you would like to get involved with the League.
If you plan to attend Orientation, please RSVP at LWVdetroit@gmail.com or call our League office at 313-288-9590. One week prior, we will email (or call back with) a link to join the Orientation via Zoom.
If you have friends interested in hearing more about the League, please share this invitation with them. We appreciate your participation with the League and look forward to “meeting” you!