Fair & Equitable Maps

Promote the Vote (PTV) has shared the release of the fair and equitable maps they built as part of their 2021 Redistricting Project. These maps are the culmination of months of listening and learning from the PTV redistricting allies and its mapping advisory team. Included is the PTV District Narrative Report, describing each Michigan district’s parameters, boundaries and landmarks as well as each district’s percentages of people of color and communities of interest.

Based on their District Narrative Report and in response to the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission draft maps, Promote the Vote has designed their own draft maps; and they are asking the public for endorsements. PTV has also released the Fair & Equitable Maps Toolkit with the goal of helping you ⏤ community leaders, activists, and organizers ⏤ communicate with the public about Promote the Vote’s fair and equitable maps. 

There still is time to review the Michigan Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission (MICRC) maps and voice your opinion. The last chance for input ends when the Commission votes in late December to narrow the 9 final maps down to (review the MICRC schedule here). To ‘win,” a map must be okayed by at least six members of the 13-person commission ⏤ two Democrats, two Republicans, and two Independents. Only if that fails, can they consider maps drawn by individual commissioners.

We encourage you to use this toolkit however is most useful to you ⏤ to review the district descriptions, to share some of the key messages, or to circulate the guidance on how to submit a comment to the MICRC. 

Click here for information regarding the MICRC.