We Need You ⏤ PTV2022 Ballot Proposal

Dear Members and Friends,

This election year is particularly important for our community.  There are currently many bills, petitions, and initiatives circulating that we believe are anti-voting and threaten our right to access to the polls. The League and other non-partisan organizations have joined forces to combat this threat with a petition to change the Michigan Constitution to enshrine certain protections to our voting systems.  Between April 1 and July 11, we will be collecting signatures for the Promote the Vote 2022 Constitutional ballot proposal. We need to gather 425,059 valid signatures to ensure PTV2022 is added to the November ballot.

We need petition circulators and leaders of the circulators to help collect signatures.

Leaders will organize the circulators (you don’t necessarily have to circulate a petition).  Circulators will gather signatures on the petition.  Because of the pandemic, some of you may be leary of in-person contact with the public, so we will have what is called “micro-circulators,” who will gather signatures from those in their close circle: friends, family, co-workers, church, and club members, etc.  We will not be doing door-to-door solicitations.

Please consider one of these roles to participate in this historic action. 

If you and/or someone you know are willing to help, please send your name, home address, mobile phone number, and email address ASAP to lwvdetroit@gmail.com or call the League office at 313-288-9590. You need not be a League member to work on this effort. I will forward all contact information to LWVMI to secure your link to the training sessions. 

Training will be held on Tuesday, March 22 at 5pm (for Leaders only) and Wednesday, March 23 at 7pm for everyone interested.

Thank you for your interest in working for your community to uphold voting rights.

⏤LWVD President Rhonda Craig