Ballot Issues: Term Limits, Reproductive Rights & Voting Rights

The Detroit League and Detroit Public Library invite the public to attend an educational session regarding proposed constitutional amendments On Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at 6pm. Eric Lupher of the Citizens Research Council of Michigan will review the constitutional amendments on the November ballot. This program is to inform voters, not to persuade them.

To register, click here. We will send a Zoom link to registrants before the program.

We routinely initiate Zoom auto-transcription. If you need further accommodation for accessibility, please notify Jennifer Dye at by 4pm on Thursday, October 6, 2022. We will address your need if possible.

Afterward, we will post a program recording on the Detroit Public Library YouTube channel and

This event is brought to you by the League of Women Voters Detroit and the Detroit Public Library, partnering in talks promoting voter education and tools for action.