Candidate Info & Absentee Ballots

Detroit Public Library Presents an Online Program ⏤ Tuesday, October 13, 2020 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.

One of the things that we can do to support our election process is to be an informed voter. The DPL and LWV Detroit can help to ensure you are a knowledgeable voter ambassador of correct information.

Invite friends and family to this online event. Make your vote count. Bring your questions to the discussion.

Discussion: is a valuable resource to help you learn about candidates and issues on local ballots. During this presentation, local representatives will guide you through researching what you need to know to become an informed voter.

We will also cover completing and submitting absentee ballots to be sure that your vote is counted.

There will be time for questions, and a brief description of the League of Women Voters.

Registration/RSVP:  Prior to the event, the program link will be sent to all who register. 

Sponsored by the Detroit Public Library in collaboration with the Detroit League of Women Voters.