Equal Pay Action Day

Equal Pay Action Day Equal Pay Day did not happen in April due to Covid19; however, a new and improved online version will be held virtually with Lilly Ledbetter as the scheduled main speaker.

Lilly’s unsuccessful court battle over sex-based wage discrimination between men and women in the same workplace doing basically the same job resulted in the 2009 Act named for her that bans such discrimination. Governor Whitmer, Attorney General Nessel, and others will also appear. 

The date is Wednesday, September 16, from Noon-1:30 p.m.
Please join us as we “meet” a historic fighter for pay equity.  

Register online for this free event: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/equal-pay-action-day-tickets-97034431597

More information about this event:
The speakers and presenters will discuss the ongoing effects of women’s economic insecurity as well as state and federal efforts to help close the wage gap. 

Twenty-four bills to strengthen Michigan’s equal pay laws were introduced in 2019. Our legislators will provide an update on the status of these bills. 

Lastly, this online presentation will offer important information about Michigan Get Out The Vote (GOTV) efforts and what the state is doing to ensure everyone’s vote is secure and counted in November.