Detroit Public Library/Detroit League Collaborative Series

“In Know What Matters (2015), author Saidi Mdala says, “We all, without exception, need relationships to achieve extraordinary things.” Although his quote encourages people to develop a personal philosophy while navigating the business of life, its message holds for public affairs.

The special relationship between the Detroit Public Library and the League of Women Voters of Detroit is a case in point. These nonpartisan entities have partnered to pool their resources to create something exceptional for the common good: information and education that encourages voter turnout. 

“The partnership is the brainchild of DPL Librarian Jennifer Dye and LWVD Membership Chair Cheryl Bukoff. With the help of graphic artist Ruth Koelewyn, the trio has produced close to 20 virtual forums and workshops. From their first program (Voting Safely), which” aired” in September 2020 at the height of the shutdown, to the moving historical presentations from former LWVD President Rhonda Craig (African American Suffrage Movement: Fighting Against All Sides) and LWVD member Charles Thomas (Three Marches, Two Sisters, One Bridge), the DPL and LWVD have partnered in talks promoting voter education and tools for action.

Other popular forum topics have included How Political Cartoons HappenDetecting Disinformation and “Pink Slime,” and Voting Accessibility: The Disability Experience. DPL has recorded these programs since mid-2021, publishing them on the Library’s Youtube channel and the League’s Past events/Recordings webpage.

The DPL/LWVD Collaborative Series offers a virtual forum on the second Tuesday of every month. These events are free and open to the public. For more information on the series, contact Cheryl Bukoff at or 313-288-9590.

“Stealing Bogart’s famous line from the film classic Casablanca,” I think this is the beginning of a beautiful [partnership].”