GUN SAFETY Action Alert

We need you to advocate for gun safety. Your emails can make a difference! It is important that all Michigan Senators and Representatives hear from their constituents that legislation to prevent gun violence is important.

The League of Women Voters supports bills introduced in the Michigan Legislature that would provide commonsense gun safety regulations while protecting the Second Amendment Rights of Michigan citizens. No legislation will stop all gun violence, but these bills are an important step. The bills are as follows:

  • SB 454,455, 456 and HB 4869, 4870, 4871 require universal background checks on all firearms.
  • SB 550, 551, 552, 553 and HB 5066, 5067, 5068, 5069 require firearms in homes with minors be properly secured and stored.
  • SB 678, 679 and HB 5371, 5372 prohibit possession of guns if convicted of a misdemeanor for domestic violence.

Please join the LWVMI in urging our State Legislature to bring these bills to the floor and pass them. For more background information, go to Michigan | Giffords.

In League, 

Christina Schlitt & Paula Bowman, LWVMI Co-Presidents