Tell MI State House of Reps: VOTE NO on legislation making it harder to vote!

The Michigan House of Representatives is voting on two bills that will make voting more difficult!  These bills have passed the Senate.  

SB 303 – requires a voter to have a state ID to vote in person on Election Day and removes the option of using an affidavit if voter forgot or does not have a suitable ID. The League opposes this bill because Michigan already has a voter ID law on the books. 11,400 voters (0.2%), in 82 of 83 counties used the affidavit option to vote in November 2020.  This system has worked for decades. 

SB 304 – allows a voter to verify status within 6 days of the election if the voter used a provisional ballot.  An ID must include address or would need a utility bill or bank statement to verify address.  The League knows this is current practice, but 6 days may not be enough time for people to show up at the clerk’s office and be processed.  Requiring a provisional ballot causes the voter to have to go through the voting process twice.      

Take action now by sending an email to express your opposition to these changes in Michigan’s Election Law.  If you prefer, you can also call this number to speak to your Representative.  Find the contact information at this link.

In League,

Christina Schlitt, President