What is Ranked-Choice Voting?

Ranked-choice voting is in the news a lot lately. Just what is it and what are the implications for Michigan elections?

Join the Detroit Public Library and the Detroit League of Women Voters for an informative discussion about ranked-choice voting. Led by Ron Zimmerman, Executive Director of the Michigan grassroots organization Rank MI Vote, this presentation will help us understand how ranked-choice voting works to elect officials and address the problems of a plurality system, how it could work in the Michigan election process, and how it works in other states that have adopted this approach.   

Mr. Zimmerman has spent his career implementing large-scale process improvements in industry. He volunteered for Voters Not Politicians 2018 Independent Re-Districting in the Lansing region. Today he leads another volunteer reform effort: ranked-choice voting.

The presentation will be virtual on Tuesday, July 11 at 6:00 pm.  Please invite family and friends to this forum. To register, click the button below. A Zoom link will be sent to registrants before the program.

Following the presentation, a recording will be posted on the LWV Detroit Recordings/Past Events webpage.

Image by Edmond Dantes via Pexels.