The Secretary of State began mailing absentee ballots to Michigan voters in late September.
You can return your completed ballot via mail or in person by visiting absentee ballot drop box locations or any of Detroit’s 13 new early voting centers established through a citywide voter participation campaign.
Voters are encouraged to return their completed absentee ballots as soon as possible. To be counted, the City Clerk must receive the absentee ballot by 8pm on Election Day (November 8, 2022).
If you are mailing your completed ballot, it is best to do so by Tuesday, October 25, 2022, to minimize the possibility of it not being delivered by the deadline.
After Tuesday, October 25, voters should return their ballots in person ⏤ either to the Clerk’s Office (or a satellite office) or to a secure drop box provided by the clerk. There are 20 satellite locations across the city of Detroit. Use this interactive map to find the satellite office nearest to you.
Voters can find the location(s) of the clerk’s office, satellite offices, and drop boxes in their community by searching for their city or township clerk on MVIC.
Questions about voting? Call the Election Protection Hotline at (866) 687-8683