September Recap

Congress Moves to Protect Elections, Fails to Advance Financial Transparency 

On September 21, the US House passed the bipartisan Presidential Electoral Reform Act. The bill would strengthen the Electoral Count Act and has been lauded as a step against future insurrections like the one that occurred on January 6, 2021. The Senate also unanimously passed their legislation, the Electoral Count Reform and Presidential Transition Improvement Act, out of the Senate Rules Committee on September 27. 

Advances in election reform, however, did not extend to financial transparency in the Senate’s decision not to advance the DISCLOSE Act the following day. In response, LWV CEO Virginia Kase Solomón stated: 

“The League will continue to fight to ensure that voters can make decisions free from the influence of dark money and special interest groups in our politics. We call on our elected officials to continue to put this issue at the forefront of the fight for our democracy.”

Leagues Mobilize for National Voter Registration Day

The League maintained its decade-long status as the largest on-the-ground partner for National Voter Registration Day this year, with more than 400 Leagues hosting 600+ events. 

The League is dedicated to registering voters year-round; in 2022, LWV hosted 900 registration events aimed at young voters alone, and countless others working with new citizens, formerly incarcerated people, and other impacted communities. 

Check your registration at

LWV Launches Litigation-Tracking Resource

You can now find track and learn more about important litigation in LWV’s digital Legal Center. Read about current cases on voting rights, abortion access, redistricting, and more! This is a living resource, so more cases will be added as our work progresses.