LWV.org March Recap

Voting Rights Victory as the For the People Act Passes in the House 

March 2021 we celebrated a victory in our ongoing fight to protect elections and build a more inclusive democracy when the For the People Act passed in the US House of Representatives.

This bill, which looks to restore the Voting Rights Act, end gerrymandering, remove dark money from elections, and promote government transparency, is more necessary than ever in the face of the hundreds of restrictive voting bills that have passed in recent weeks across the nation. 

League CEO Virginia Kase submitted a statement for the Senate Rules Committee hearing in support of the For the People Act on March 24, stating, “The For the People Act is the democracy reform bill the American people want and deserve…the provisions in this legislation will lead to greater trust in government and elected leaders by creating fairness, transparency, and accountability.” 

Contact your Senators and urge them to support the For the People Act!

Honoring Women’s History Month with an Equal Rights Amendment Win 

There was no better time than Women’s History Month for the House to remove the Equal Rights Amendment’s ratification deadline, bringing us one step closer to ensuring that women are represented in the Constitution.  

The League has fought to make the ERA a part of our Constitution since the 1970s. We now follow this bill as it moves to the Senate and we urge senators to take a stand and ensure equal rights for all, regardless of sex.

Standing in Solidarity with the AAPI Community and the Victims of Gun Violence

Our hearts are made heavy by recent acts of gun violence, including the grocery store shooting in Boulder and the acts of racial terrorism in Atlanta and beyond. We mourn for those who’ve been impacted by these horrific tragedies, whose aftereffects echo throughout the nation. 

In the aftermath of this senseless loss, the League recommits itself in the fight against gun violence, encouraging Congress to ban military-style semi-automatic assault weapons and require universal background checks.  Along with the League of Women Voters of Georgia, we urge Attorney General Garland and FBI Director Wray to prioritize the investigation of anti-AAPI hate crimes. We stand with members of the AAPI community, dedicated to amplifying their voices and using our platform to end racist, xenophobic violence.  You too can take action to support gun safety reform and honor the victims of Boulder and Atlanta. Call your representatives today and demand that they act on gun safety legislation. 

Shining a Light on Redistricting for Our Day of Action

We capped off the month by announcing our 2021 People Powered Day of Action, April 29.  

On this day, Leagues across the nation will host events designed to educate people about the decennial redistricting process and empower them to get involved.

Fair maps are an integral facet of the League’s work; so much so that almost two years ago, we launched our People Powered Fair Maps program. PPFM focuses on the creation of fair and transparent redistricting processes that eliminate partisan and racial gerrymandering across our communities. 

The 2021 redistricting process holds special importance in the wake of Rucho v. Common Cause, which ruled that states could make their own determinations about gerrymandering practices (rather than having to adhere to federal standards). It will also be the first redistricting cycle to occur without the protections of the Voting Rights Act. Despite these challenges, the League is dedicated to keeping power in the hands of the people, not politicians, and looks forward to engaging people in this crucial part of the democratic process.