Panel Discussion: Prison Gerrymandering

The Detroit League, Detroit Public Library, Voting Access for All, and Voters Not Politicians present PRISON GERRYMANDERING: How Stolen Political Power Harms Our Communities (Tuesday, May 9 at 6 pm). Join us for a panel discussion and community conversation about the issue of prison gerrymandering and a new bill proposed to end the practice. 

What is Prison Gerrymandering?

Every 10 years, a national census is taken. Each state uses these numbers to redefine voting districts based on population shifts. Unfortunately, Michigan law currently allows counting incarcerated people at their place of confinement rather than in their home communities. This counting method is known as prison gerrymandering, and it distorts democracy. Prison gerrymandering siphons political power into less-populated rural areas where prisons are located and away from the urban communities where people would return to.

Sponsored by the League of Women Voters Detroit and the Detroit Public Library, partnering in talks promoting voter education and tools for action.

Space is limited. Please register for this free event by clicking the button below. NOTE: This event will be recorded and posted on the Detroit League’s Past Events webpage.

Click HERE to register for this event.
