Call for LWV Detroit Leaders…That’s You!

LWV of Detroit is a vibrant and effective chapter doing important work to strengthen our democracy and engage our communities. Past accomplishments are due to the diligence, creativity, and hard work of the League’s board of directors and membership.

It is time to build on that success. Current officers and board members have dedicated years of leadership to our chapter. As members, we now must strengthen and support the board. The Nominating Committee (Valerie Ash, Gerry Barrons, and Deborah Bunkley) ask you to consider serving on the board.  

Please email your questions and your candidate nominations to Gerry Barrons by March 30, 2022.

In accordance with bylaws for LWV of Detroit, the Nominating Committee names or delegates members to the Board of Directors each year at the annual meeting in June. Each board member and officer serves a two-year term. The following offices are open for 2022-2024:

  • President
  • Secretary
  • Voter Services
  • Director-at-Large

Following is a description of all board positions:

President: Preside at all meetings; identify issues of policy or governance for discussion; speak for the League orally or in writing; represent the Detroit League at state and national meetings.

Secretary: Record and maintain the minutes of League meetings; compose and distribute communication to members. 

Treasurer:  Develop budget in coordination with leadership; maintain League funds; oversee dues payment and renewals.

Voter Services Coordinator: Develop a strategy for voter registration; coordinate voter education events, including candidate forums; distribute voter education materials.

Membership Coordinator:  Encourage leadership team and members to build the League; develop methods to recruit new members; a cheerleader for the League.

Director-at-Large: Oversee the development of fundraising and other designated priorities.  

Member-at-Large: A member of the board “at large” has no specific duties unless assigned by the president, chair, or a board committee but has the same rights and responsibilities as other board members.

Click here for a list of current Detroit League board members.