Dinner & Dialogue: Supporting Democracy

[Thursday, May 26, 2021] The Detroit League of Women Voters is partnering with CitizenDetroit to host a Dinner and Dialogue: American Democracy and the Capitol Insurrection

Presenters will center on the status of American Democracy, the significance of the January 6 insurrection on the Capitol Building, and the January 20 Inauguration of President Biden as well as issues of white supremacy, voter suppression, and similar activities in Michigan.

Participants will be directed into Zoom breakout rooms for a facilitated, focused conversation about the meaning of these events and possible actions we as Detroiters can take to support democracy at local and national levels.* 

Participants must RSVP in advance to receive the zoom link. The deadline to RSVP is 12noon, May 26, 2021.


*A Gmail account and computer/laptop/tablet are recommended to best experience the group activity.