Permanent Absentee Ballot


In November 2022, the voters of Michigan overwhelmingly passed a constitutional amendment (Prop 2) that, among other things, provides the right to sign up to receive an absentee ballot in the mail before every election.

So, thanks to Prop 2, when requesting an absentee ballot, voters can now sign up to receive an absentee ballot by mail before every election without needing to submit a new application each time. Voters who wish to receive a ballot by mail before all future elections are encouraged to join the Permanent Mail Ballot List by checking the box on the absentee ballot application that says, “automatically send me an absent voter ballot for each future election for which I’m eligible.”

NOTE: Voters may now return their absentee ballots and applications using pre-paid return envelopes. 

Voters who wish to vote before Election Day should request an absentee ballot ASAP or to vote by absentee ballot in person at their city or township clerk’s office.

Remember: You can request your absentee ballot online or submit a paper application OR vote in person at your city or township clerk’s office.